Jun 28, 2023
What is it like when you get dressed in the morning? Do you walk into your closet happy and excited to put on the clothes you choose? Or do you try on three different pairs of pants, two skirts, and six tops in hopes of finding something that will cover up {insert part of your body you think poorly of here}?
Do you step each leg into your shapeware shoving in as much of your body as you possibly can thinking it is just a normal part of being a woman?
What is it like when you are on the playground with your kids?
Do you laugh exubererantly while you run around chansing them? Or
do you worry about what is jiggling- convinced it should cause you
How about at the beach? Or the pool?
Is swimsuit shopping a time for you to find something to swim in? Or is it a time when you speak the meanest to yourself?
Do you search desperately for an option that will hide as much of you as humanly possible while still being able to cool down in the water? Or maybe you skip the water all together because wearing a bathing suit is almost the deepest shame of all?
How do you eat? Do you count calories? Intermittent fast? Have you been on a diet for decades only to gain weight?
Have you been prescirbed weight loss by medical professionals?
Are you sure to get in an extra 30 minutes at the gym so you can enjoy dessert on date night?
Do you loathe exercise but believe it is necessary if you want to "manage your weight"?
What if all of that is a narrative we have been fed for a purpose that does not serve us? What if it actually harms us?
What if we spend most of our days berating ourselves, beating
ourselves up, starving ourselves, missing out on life with the
people we love and more for science that doesn't exist? And we do
it all in exchange for advnacing our careers, living fully with our
families, building the business we have always wanted to build and
exploring the things that bring us joy so we can do more of
Join us as Dr. Lisa Folden, Weight Inclusive Physical Therapist and
Anti-Diet Health & Body Image Coach, helps us understand Diet
Culture, moving joyfully, health, lazy medicine, health vs. weight,
taking up space, and learning to live this one beautiful, precious
life out loud!
Find Dr. Lisa Folden
Other References mentioned in show:
Association for Size Diversity & Health